My cute little nephew was in a crawling race at babiesrus today. It was the cutest thing I have ever watched. I actually won his first race and went to the championship. That one was a little more intimidating for him since there were so many babies and people screaming to crawl...he completely froze but still looked adorable. The winner was this poor little girl that just bawled as she crawled across the finish line cuz she was so scared. It was the cutest thing ever. She deserved the free diapers.
I cant wait till Tucker can crawl. I know I shouldnt want him to grow up so fast and I will miss him being small but I just think it will be so much fun! He still surprises me every day with something new that he can do and it just makes me soooo proud.
So we are on WIC (women, infant, children) and are now giving Tuck formula. I had enough breastmilk frozen for about a year but I have high lactic acid which I didnt know at the time in my milk. So when it is stored it turns sour tasting and smelling. So Tuck refuses which I dont blame him. But WIC gives you Similac formula and Tuck is used to Enfamil. But I gave it a try since it's cheaper for WIC. It was miserable. No good for his stomach. So we went to sensitive...still no good. We then had to get a prescription from the doc for enfamil and I decided to do the gentlease since my little one has the WORST gas ever. I think with all the change he got major backed up and constipated. So he didnt poop for 3 days. I was starting to get slightly concerned cuz he was eating so MUCH and nothing was coming out! On my pediatricians website it says to give them apple juice in their bottle to help before coming to the doctor. Worth a shot right? He GUZZLED it. He loves apple juice and drinks twice as much with it. Funny kid.
Now your wondering...did it work? Holy cow yes. I am pretty sure his entire system is cleared now. Not like he got sick, just everything started moving and there was a lot of it. So I swear by apple juice now with a baby. When they can have solids it probably is easier since you feed them fruit and stuff but for now he cant have that stuff. But if anyone ever has this problem its ounces/month of age every day mixed with milk.
Well I should probably get busy with other things considering my house looks like someone broke in and tore the place apart and I look like I've been attacked :-). The lovely part of being a mother is there are days you dont even brush your come to love the ponytail style with sweatpants. One of these days I'll catch up to everything :-)