Friday, February 13, 2009

Just chop it off!

So today I was at school and I was sitting at my station trying to do something with my hair and NOTHING would work for me. My hair was at the point where since it is so fine I couldnt get any body and the ends were just so thin and limp. So i looked over at my friends Rosanne and Kara and said "I want to chop my hair off!" then the more I thought about it the better it sounded. I was so scared though so I would only let Jen do it at first but then she couldnt and she said to ask Sarah who is another great LL. So I had her do it and she did an amazing job. She gave me exactly what I wanted...


  1. aww amber i like it!! its kinda like an A- line... not really but kinda :)

  2. Very cute! I love it! Mine cut will be similar on Tuesday. You will definitely get in more practice with curly hair!
